Hackathon & Magento Contribution Day Leipzig ((19./)20./21.05.2017)

Incl. 19% Tax


This time our Hackathon is also including the Magento Contribution Day - an exclusive format of Meet Magento Association, happening in the scope of all Meet Magento events worldwide.

Contribution Days of this year’s Meet Magento DE will take place at Hackathon Leipzig..

Same Time, same people, same location, you choose what you wanna do.

No time to spend the whole weekend at “Hackathon & Contribution Day”? Get also some impressions at Meet Magento Germany on May 22. Register now for Max Yekaterynenko’s contribution workshop here!


Hackathon costs 60€, for FireGento e.V. members we have a reduced price of 45€.


We are always looking for sponsors for drinks, coffee breaks, etc.
Just send me (Fabian) an email treasury@firegento.com or call me +49 176 66655256

Thanks to the following companies, which already kick ass powered the community and our hackathon!

  • TechDivision
  • team neusta
  • e3n
  • heidelpay

Pre-Party Location

The Pre-Party will start on friday at 8 PM and is sponsored by TechDivision. Thank you!

There will be vegane Pizza (yep, sounds kind of strange, but be assured its amazing) and various drinks (beer, soda, water... ). We will have board games, LEGO and enough spots for a relaxed chat.

Location: Pizza LAB
Georg-Schwarz-Strasse 10
04177 Leipzig

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Hackathon/Contribution Day Location

SpinLab - The HHL Accelerator
Halle 14, 2nd floor
Spinnereistrasse 7
04179 Leipzig

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Saturday: 9:30


Sunday: 15:30


Please reserve a room at nearby hotels. It might suit well with the Meet Magento.


We'll serve food: pork, chicken and a vegetarian alternative. There is no vegan food.


Saturday: Lunch, coffebreak and diner.

Sunday: Lunch


Water, ClubMate, Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Cola light

Code of conduct

We are dedicated to providing a harassment-free hackathon experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race or religion

Don't be an asshole, no matter about what.

We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form.

At any time you can walk up to one of our team members and report your concern. Else: Shoot an email at: treasury@firegento.com

