Hackathon Overview
Welcome to the first online Magento Developer Online Hackathon!
The purpose of the hackathon is to advance the technical resources (code and people) available to the Magento ecosystem.
Advancing code means that more modules, bugfixes and solutions are available.
Advancing people means learning new skills, gaining deeper understanding and having fun.
Please read through the following information to make this event go as smooth as possible and help everybody enjoy their valuable hacking time!
Register here at http://www.doodle.com/qzhgpqir5qm8mq7k
Before Friday the 31st Add your project idea under http://magento.corehack.de
Vote for the 2 projects that you would most like to join
While you are online, visit the mage-online-hackathon page again to be up2date ;-)
Basic git knowledge (clone/commit/push/pull/merge)
Github Account
IRC client
Ability to talk in Google Hangout (webcam advised)
We are now asking people to publish their ideas for projects to be tackled during the hackathon via http://magento.corehack.de. You are also able to vote for the 2 projects you most wish to work on.
Voting will close 10AM EST (3pm GMT) on Friday. After this time we will put people into project teams based on the voting. These teams are just a suggestion, we recommend you at least meet your team members but if you decide you wish to change projects, or the project doesn’t have enough within it you are free to move onto another project. The idea here is to have fun, make new friends, code and learn.
We will all meet up at 2pm EST (7pm GMT) on Friday. Here we will give more information on the hackathon and how it works. We will then issue the names of projects & teams. From then on you will go join your team and decide your methods of working, etc. The schedule below covers the important points in more detail.
You have approx 24 hours to be in your team. How you decide to work this is entirely up to you and your team mates. Expect to be working across time zones, we are not distinguishing between countries/zones when assigning projects.
At the end we will come together in a final hangout and every project team will get a couple of minutes to go over what they have done and share their work.
There is no competition, no winners or losers. We hope you enjoy the experience of meeting up with people you would not normally meet and sharing ideas with the Magento community.
All participants need to vote for the 2 projects they wish to join before 10am EST (3pm GMT) on Friday. You are also welcome to add your own project ideas before that time.
Please visit http://magento.corehack.de to add projects and vote.
Since this is an online hackathon, communication within the teams and the whole event will be a particular challenge. We will be using a multi-channel approach:
Email - to the address provided on the Doodle signup page
Google Hangouts
IRC - Server: irc.freenode.net, Channel: #mage-hackathon
Twitter - Please use HashTag #MageHackDay for questions & Support
The hackathon will start on the 31st of January at 2pm EST (that is 7pm GMT).
It will end on the 1st of February at approx 6pm EST (11pm GMT).
Here is the plan:
Friday 2pm EST (7pm GMT) - Kick off opening held using live feed on Google Hangout
Explain how it will work over next 26 hours
Polling results given, and teams shown online
Teams "go into their rooms", that is join their hangout and from there can decide how to communicate going forwards (e.g. you can switch to IRC if preferred)
Team decides repository to use for project and adds this plus their communication channel to the project description on the voting app
Teams start work (ask questions on IRC or Twitter using #MageHackDay)
Coordinators check on teams after 30 mins or so to ensure they you are okay
After around 3 hours everybody is invited to go back to the main hangout feed. All teams then are invited to the main hangout feed one-by-one and state what they are planning to do, etc (approx 1 min each)
Team work continues...
Saturday 10am EST (3pm GMT) - Meet on live feed for a quick status announcement by all projects (approx 1 min each)
Saturday 3pm EST (8pm GMT) - presentations by all teams via live feed on what they have achieved, including if appropriate an online demo (approx 2 min each)
We expect to finish at around 5pm EST
You are free to use whatever git repositories you wish. Here are some options:
In the past the hackathons have used https://github.com/magento-hackathon/ (please tweet @daim2k5 to get repo setup on here)
Magento has kindly created a 1.8.1 release to support the hackathon, they are happy to see contributions from the community https://github.com/magento/hackathon_january_2014
If you wish you can contribute to Magento 2 https://github.com/magento/magento2
It has been suggested some teams may wish to create their own repository, we only ask that you make this public in the spirit of community development
A team should ideally consist of no less than 2 and no more than 5 developers
To facilitate team building, there will be a voting phase at the beginning of the hackathon
The voting is just informational - you don't have to work on a project you vote for, though we would like you to go to the initial meeting with your project team out of courtesy
Each participant has 2 votes
Depending on the project scope, up to 7 developers might work on the same project, but in our experience its not fun if some members don't have any work
Basically its up to the teams to organize themselves, but we think that for communication within the teams Google Hangouts will probably be the most convenient
Please create your Google+ account beforehand. Having a microphone or headset is a must for this, a webcam is nice to have
Each team can also create its own IRC channel on irc.freenode.net
Each team is expected to add its communication methods (IRC channel / hangout URL /...) to the project description on voting app so it’s possible for the organizers and interested participants to drop by
If you find you are on a team with too many members, simply join another team that has room and is working on a project you like
Charleston, SC, US - Blue Acorn Offices - @benmarks
New York, NY, US - @magentogirl
Santa Monica, CA, US - @kalenjordan
Seattle, WA, US - @aleachjr
Dublin, OH, US - @WebShopApps
Toronto, Canada - Demac Media - @allanmacgregor
San Francisco, CA, US - meetup
Zurich, Switzerland - @sylvinraye
Frankfurt, Germany - @comwrap
Münster, Germany - @daim2k5
Berlin, Germany - @Flyingmana
Hannover, Germany - partyende@googlemail.com
Köln, Germany - @a_v_o_g_t
Paris, France - @jacquesbh
Nottingham, UK - @wearejh
London, UK - @inventCommerce
Madrid, Spain - @interactiv4
Poznan, Poland - @tmotyl
Khmelnitsky, Ukraine - @atwixcom
Amsterdam, Netherlands - @Byte_Internet
If you are holding a get-together please tweet details at #MageHackDay